PowerShades Becomes HTSN’s First Automated-Shade Vendor Partner

Written by Rob Stott

November 12, 2019

Opportunity to join CI group created by demand for shades that integrate into home automation systems.

PowerShades has announced that the company has signed on as a new vendor partner of Home Technology Specialists Nationwide (HTSN), the custom electronics and installation group inside the Nationwide Marketing Group. PowerShades represents HTSN’s first vendor partner in the automated window shade market.

The primary focus of HTSN is the execution of programs for the CI vendor community, as well as giving CI independents dealers the opportunity to buy many brands to which they previously would not have had access, through their eXchange partnerships. HTSN’s services include warehouse distribution and eXchange fulfillment, web services, digital content, and HD commercials.

For Hank Alexander, director of HTSN at Nationwide Marketing Group, PowerShades entry into the group was a matter of “right place, right time.”

“The shade category has been booming over the last few years, with our members seeing greater demand from their clients for shades that can integrate seamlessly into their home automation systems,” says Alexander. “Recognizing that growing demand, we’ve been looking to get into the shade category for some time. It’s just been a matter of waiting for the right partner and the right opportunity to present itself. And we’re convinced that we’ve found the perfect partner for our members in PowerShades.”

Since the launch, HTSN member companies have specified more than a dozen projects using PowerShades products.

For more information, visit www.powershades.com.


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